Have you ever felt down and out and needing someone to encourage you? How do you deal with discouragement? Pastor Mike, Lead Pastor at Bethel Brandon, breaks down how to get rid of discouragement.
It was never God’s intention for us to carry the weight of discouragement. In 1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV) it says, “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you”. The word care is singular, not plural. This means that God wants us to give him ALL of our “cares” or anxiety, worry and discouragement. God never intended us to carry this.
Encouraging others is part of the solution to get rid of discouragement. Encouragement is not a lazy man’s game. To be an encourager is not usually our default mode. It’s not that we don’t want to be encouragers, it just doesn’t come naturally, especially when we place too much value on our busy schedules.
To encourage others means you will have to go out of your way, make sacrifices and take risks.
Being an encourager means not thinking of your own advancement, but the advancement of other people. Think of the greater good and the kingdom of God.