Thank you for your faithfulness in your tithes and offerings and most importantly we want to thank God for His continued provision. As much as there has been an impact financially amidst COVID-19, it has been minimal and we are so grateful that Bethel has continued to operate and minister. Income has been affected, but some expenses have been reduced as well.
We have been excited to introduce monthly campaigns for missions and outreach for 2020.
April – Tim Hortons for the Hospital: Raised $260
May – Samaritan’s House Campaign: Raised $1,160
June - Latin America missionary: Raised $1,000
July - The Joy Smith Foundation: Goal of $250
The Joy Smith Foundation works to ensure that every Canadian man, woman and child is safe from manipulation, force, or abuse of power designed to lure and exploit them into the sex trade or forced labour. We have had the honour of having Joy Smith speak at Bethel Brandon in person a few times and the work they are doing is amazing. We believe their mission aligns with ours to Be-the-light and Be-the-love. We invite you to make a donation during July to support the work of The Joy Smith Foundation. Click here to donate.