Andrew was elected as District Superintendent of the Manitoba and Northwesten Ontario District in April 2017. Prior to that he served as Assistant District Superintendent for Mission for seven-and-a-half years. He served as a sectional presbyter for three years prior to his election as Assistant District Superintendent. Ministry locations previous to the district were senior pastor at Bethel Chapel (Selkirk, MB), Sherwood Assembly of God (Winnipeg, MB) and Beaubier Pentecostal Church (Beaubier, SK). He currently serves on several boards including the Pentecostal Securities Corporation, Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Horizon College & Seminary.
Andrew is married to Jo-Ann (Zoe Network & youmatterwomen) and they have two enjoyable children: Luke and Kate. Andrew has a B.A. (University of Toronto), Diploma in Theology (Horizon College and Seminary) and M.Div. (Luther Theological Seminary, University of Saskatchewan). He is committed to people actually experiencing the person and power of God in their lives.