Meeting places: church, bar, casino, restaurant, homes, mall, sporting events, parks, etc. There are lots of places people meet.
We are in a season where many of those are not options like they once were. Now the list is more focused on FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom, phone calls, YouTube, etc.
What does it mean to meet together?
Its definition is to come into the presence or company of (someone) by chance or arrangement. “I’ll meet you at church on Sunday.” Church is definitely not like it used to be.
It was often said, before all this happened, that “the church is not a building, its people”.
In Acts 15 we find an encouraging passage. In verses 12 and 13 the whole assembly became quiet and James spoke up and quoted from Amos 9:11-12 saying, “After this I will return and rebuild David’s fallen tent. Its ruins I will rebuild and I will restore it, that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who bear my name, says the Lord, who does these things, things known from long ago.”
The church of the day was very Jewish focused… many would say the church of today has become inward focused. In David’s time the tabernacle of Moses was very focused on form and ritual.
David brought the ark (which represented the presence of God) back and set it up in a tent.
Where do I meet with God?
In church on Sunday?
Yes, but more so in the simplicity or complexity of the daily life I live. As one person has said, “The church has left the building”.
Maybe there is a new renewed focus on what that means and where your meeting place with God is.
Who can meet with the Lord of Creation?
David put up a tent and the prophet Amos predicted years ago that God would restore again the Tabernacle of David so that all people, tribes, nations might seek after the Lord of Creation.
Make an appointment today to meet with God.
Blessings & Wisdom,
Pastor Glenn