What’s your first thought when you see that word? It’s usually one of two perspectives.
I’m in trouble again; punishment is coming; here’s the result of my stupid decision or action.
You are developing a skill or talent, working at becoming better in some area of life.
Discipline on the negative side means:
I’m in trouble right now, reaping the consequences of previous actions.
The negative side usually looks back. I’m receiving a negative reward for past decisions. (I broke a window, told a lie, stole a book, broke the law.)
Discipline on the positive side means:
There’s a cost right now, but in the future, I will reap a positive consequence.
The positive side usually looks forward. There is an immediate cost but a long-term gain (exercise, learning a musical instrument or sport, telling the truth).
Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
Trained by discipline! I’ve heard it said anything worthwhile in life is “uphill.” I don’t like it, but I think it is generally true. It’s usually a challenge to find a job, build a relationship or learn a new skill. How much effort will I give today to reap the reward in the future?
Proverbs is a book of short sayings that are generally true when observing life. It’s not a law that cannot be broken, but generally it is true overall.
The writer challenges us to get wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and, on the flip side, he describes the person without discipline as a fool, walking in ignorance, having stupidity, poverty and shame.
Pretty strong words… or pretty challenging words.
Richard Foster’s “The Celebration of Discipline” cites 3 categories: inward disciplines, outward disciplines and corporate disciplines.
I would like my response to be, YES, train me. If I really stop and think, it’s the positive discipline I want to be trained by, and I’m guessing that would be your choice as well.
Let’s start training today.
Blessings & Wisdom,
Pastor Glenn